Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blog Post # 7 In Response To Question G

      “On The Street Without A Safety Net” really struck me. After watching such a sad video on Americas youth who happen to be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender it breaks my heart to see how they are not treated like the rest of the youth. Watching some of the youth effected by it spoke out about how they coped with it and what went on in their daily lives really made me sad. After hearing that when some of the homes for poverty-stricken youth weren’t so willing to help because of their sexual orientation, it angered me. I think anyone should have the right to help no matter what his or her sexual orientation is. I think it’s also sad that their parents even kicked them out in the first place. It’s your child; you should love them no matter what. Who cares if they orient themselves differently then you like. You are still their parent, and they deserve all your love. Nobody should have to live on the streets, especially the youth population of this country.
       “Waging A Living” also really shocked me. Watching this movie made me realize that even though people have jobs, some are still unable to support themselves or even their families. Why is it that when people really do work hard for their money, that money still isn’t enough? Shouldn’t policy makers be making some other policies that help the people living just above or right at the poverty line, it’s not like they aren’t working and trying to make money. America needs to start changing some of their ideas on work and pay. Everyone deserves to live a little more comfortable then they are instead of living pay check to paycheck. 


  1. To comment on your second paragraph, I work 2 jobs seven days a week. No Joke. Plus school, and money is still not enough. Thank you for talking about it.

  2. Miranda: I see that with a number of my students, and I see how exhausting it is on them. The cost of higher education is absolutely shocking, and if it continues as it is, it will not be sustainable.
