Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Video Treatment

For my video, I am going to do a video diary about racism. Racism has really affected me a lot throughout my high school years. I will talk about how it has affected me, why it’s effected me and what people should do to stop it. I also think that doing my video on Racism will help people to realize that we are all just alike even though we may have different skin tones, who cares! Hopefully with me talking about my experience with racism, it will even get through to my mother about an experience I had and how she really tore my apart and effected me in a way I still to this day cannot get over. I think racism is a huge deal in today’s society still and people still need to be aware of all the harmful ways people treat others of different races. I think this will be a helpful thing for myself in overcoming what I went through with my ex boyfriend and racism. I hope you all enjoy my video. 

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