Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Post # 9 In Response to Question I

          After watching “Killing Me Softly” I started thinking about advertising and how the media portrays women. It really amazes me to think about how the media portrays women to be this tiny little thing, also that you aren’t beautiful unless you are flawless which is virtually impossible. The way women are seen as inferior to men in ads is also crazy. From such a young age, little girls are looked down at by the little boys in ads, in one ad, I believe it was for guess kids, the little boy is looking tough and snickering and looking down at the little girl while she just sits there and smiles. It makes it seem like girls and women don’t have a voice, which is not true. I also think that the way they portray women in some ads is sexist as well. They even go as far as making them almost pornographic in some ways. I think its horrible how people even start to believe its true.
            The one thing that really struck me as awful was how women have to be a certain way, or look a certain way. Its not right, not every girl is built to be a size 0  and have flawless skin and beautiful cheekbones. But if you don’t have that, then men think you are nothing. I think its awful these days how the media controls so much of how we perceive people and how we should all look. It’s no wonder why so many things are happening with eating disorders, and violence. The media makes it seem like its ok for the male to be more dominant and abuse women and for women to starve themselves in order to be that perfect size 0. Something has to change though, because its making American become even more unhealthy in so many ways. 


  1. And often times recovery places like rehab for eating disorders is not covered by insurance so girls and women are not getting the help they need.

  2. When I was younger I never cared about how I looked in relation to other people. I think that was because we never had any magazines in my house or watched too much tv. Now, i find myself always comparing myself to others, and the moment I decide Im sick of it..another commercial comes that shows me what "im suppose to look like".

  3. I agree, it's so sad what the media does and not every girl is built like the image they portray. The media puts these awful ideas in your head that you must look like this in order to get a guy or even to just be liked. I agree with you as well Samantha, I'm always comparing myself to others and thinking I wish I had her body. I wouldn't be thinking that if the media didn't make me think that I should look like that. Every commercial and advertisement have the same exact image and it's really sad.
